Angie Furminger
Hi, I’m Angie, mum of five. Two of my children are neurodivergent, diagnosed at age 7 and 22 (ASD/ADHD/Dyslexic).
The journey has been long and challenging but I have never lost sight of how amazing my children are. Humour is one of the many tools we use daily!
I am a qualified teacher and have taught in the local area but am currently a Youth Worker at The Barn in Tadcaster.
My role as chair is to drive the vision of CNDF and to make our group a first point of contact for families in the Tadcaster and Selby district. I want every family to feel welcomed and supported and to know that they are not alone. I am passionate about supporting children with additional needs and know the difference the right support and understanding can make.
I look forward to welcoming you all

Claire Newton
Media, Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
I have a quote stuck on my fridge door ‘While we try to teach our kids about life, they teach us what life’s all about’. As mum to two sons, one neurodiverse and one neurotypical, I’ve learnt so much about what life’s all about from them. Yes there are undoubtedly challenges, difficult periods and bumps in the road but there are absolutely so many more fantastic times. I’m a big believer in seeing neurodiversity as a positive, and that our world (and my world) benefits from neurodiverse perspectives, hello Steve Jobs, Einstein and Alan Turing, our lives would be very different without you. I also believe and know that in the right environment, our kids will thrive, unfortunately finding the right environment is much harder than it ever should be. And that’s why I’m so passionate about CNDF because we can help each other as parents and carers to support our kids and each other by sharing experiences and information so no-one feels alone.
I work for a large entertainment and gaming corporate where I lead Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Communications globally and bring these skills to CNDF. I also volunteer at The Barn as a parent helper at our youth groups.

Jo Holloway-Green
Safeguarding Lead & Facebook Admin
I’m Jo. My role is to make sure everything we do is managed safely for families and the children we support, and to ensure that we raise any safeguarding concerns that arise, and help get families to the right support they need if necessary. I have 20 years of experience within the voluntary sector in a wide range of areas, with lots of safeguarding experience. I am also the Selby District Parent Participation Officer for Parent Carer Voice North Yorkshire so I can input parent carers views into the systems and organisations that we need to work with for our children, and ourselves.

Chris Furminger
Hi, I'm Chris. Being a dad to 5 would have it's normal challenges, throw neuro-diversity into the mix, and no two days are the same. Plans either go out of the window or have to be executed with military precision, and there's often a few grenade pins to pick up before bedtime - BUT, I wouldn't change it for the world.
My children have made me the man and dad I am, and their resilience and humour its an inspiration.
My background as an engineer, Basic Skills Tutor, Operations, Facilities and IT Manager and currently Health, Safety and Wellbeing Lead for a Social Care organisation gives me the skills I need to get through each day. I like to see the effect a seemingly insignificant change to most can be life changing to someone else.

Emma Basset
Committee Member
Hi everyone my name is Emma Bassett and I have three daughters who are my world. My twin girls were diagnosed as autistic when they were 4 years old I have been on the very challenging but absolutely wonderful and most rewarding journey ever since (and a few years previously too ofcourse).
I am a passionate performing arts teacher who loves to Dance act and sing and I run my Perform school on evenings and Saturdays.
I have very recently (start in September) been employed by Copmanthorpe Primary School as a SEN 1:1 Teaching assistant role following my passion to make a difference with children who have many challenges to overcome on a day to day basis.
Since joining our CNF group it has brought me such amazing personal support and it’s so lovely to be able to connect to families who just “get it”.
I look forward to continuing to meet up with some of you and your wonderful children and to try and make a difference in any way possible.
Emma x

Sarah Love
Committee Member
Hi - I’m Sarah. I am the proud mum of 2 amazing neuro-diverse children. Definitely don’t have all the answers but learning and working it out and especially really value the support of others in similar situations. I’m an HR professional and coach and in my role I get to focus on creating workplaces that are really inclusive and where everyone can reach their potential.